Category: Acoustic Guitars

TOP 5 Best Acoustic Guitar Brands For Beginners

Check out this list of the finest acoustic guitar manufacturers for beginners if you’re looking to learn a few chords and start plucking along to your favorite songs.  Take a look at these beginner acoustic guitar brands below: Contents1 Best Starter Acoustic Guitar Brands1.1 Yamaha1.2 Ibanez1.3 Fender1.4 Epiphone1.5 Jasmine2 So What Is The Best Acoustic […].

REVEALED: Why Use A 12 String Guitar?

The twelve-string guitar offers a fuller sound than the six-string classical or acoustic guitar. Because of the doubled strings, it is able to produce chords in more diverse voicings and has a delicately beautiful tone when played softly, yet can also matchet the intensity of hard rock. Although the twelve string has often been used […].

THESE 8 Best Ibanez Acoustic Guitars Are FUN To Play!

You want to buy an Ibanez acoustic guitar but you don’t know where and which one to choose? Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Ibanez Acoustic Guitar Recommendations2 Our Top Ibanez Acoustic Guitar Reviews2.1 Ibanez AW54CEOPN Artwood Dreadnought Acoustic/Electric Guitar2.2 Ibanez GA35TCEDVS (Under $300!)2.3 Ibanez PC12MHOPN2.4 Ibanez AC340OPN2.5 Ibanez Artwood Vintage AVD602.6 Ibanez AW540-OPN2.7 Ibanez […].

THESE 8 Best Taylor Acoustic Guitars For The Money ROCK!

Are you an acoustic guitarist considering an upgrade to a higher quality guitar?  I would highly recommend any of these Taylor acoustic guitar options.  Check these exceptional acoustic guitar choices out! Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Taylor Acoustic Guitar Recommendations2 Our Top Taylor Acoustic Guitar Reviews2.1 Taylor GS Mini Guitars2.2 Taylor 310CE Guitars2.3 Taylor […].