If you are thinking about playing acoustic guitar but not sure all the different genres of music you can play, you are in the right place. Contents1 Acoustic Guitar Music Genres1.1 Country Music1.2 Acoustic Blues1.3 Folk Music1.4 Fingerstyle1.5 Ragtime and Bluegrass1.6 Worship Music1.7 Jazz1.8 Rock Music1.9 R&B2 Conclusion Acoustic Guitar Music Genres Country Music One […].
If you are planning on buying a new acoustic guitar, you may be confused on what type to buy. There are a number of different types of acoustic guitars out on the market today. Contents1 What Are The Different Types Of Acoustic Guitars?1.1 Acoustic Guitars1.2 Acoustic Electric Guitars1.3 Cutaway Acoustic1.4 3/4 Acoustic Guitar1.5 12 String […].
Looking at buying a new guitar and have the acoustic guitar brand Aria on our mind? Keep reading. Are Aria acoustic guitars good? Yes! Aria acoustic guitars are good quality, especially considering the price. Aria guitars are designed to fit into a specific price range and their products can really be used to fill that […].
Are you planning on replacing your acoustic guitar bridge saddles. Not sure if any saddle will fit? Are acoustic guitar saddles universal? No. All saddles are not universal size. The dimensions of the saddle’s width is what differentiates them from one another depending on your specific guitar. Most saddles are either 3/32″ or 1/8″ wide. […].
Sometimes, an acoustic guitar does not come out of the box with the ideal sound like an electric guitar might. It takes a little time to break in and “open up” How long for acoustic guitar sound to open up? It takes at least a couple years to break in an acoustic guitar before it […].
Most acoustic guitars have pickguards, but do you know what they do for your acoustic guitar tone? Take a look below. Does pickguard affect sound acoustic guitar? Yes. For me, I think that acoustic guitars sound better without a pickguard because they produce better sound. This is because the top of the guitar can vibrate […].
Is your electro-acoustic guitar equipped with active pickups? Maybe you are worried about how long the batteries last. How long do batteries last in acoustic guitars? On average, the batteries in an acoustic guitar will last around 100 hours. But to be honest, it can vary depending on a number of factors. If we had […].
Check out this list of the finest acoustic guitar manufacturers for beginners if you’re looking to learn a few chords and start plucking along to your favorite songs. Take a look at these beginner acoustic guitar brands below: Contents1 Best Starter Acoustic Guitar Brands1.1 Yamaha1.2 Ibanez1.3 Fender1.4 Epiphone1.5 Jasmine2 So What Is The Best Acoustic […].
The twelve-string guitar offers a fuller sound than the six-string classical or acoustic guitar. Because of the doubled strings, it is able to produce chords in more diverse voicings and has a delicately beautiful tone when played softly, yet can also matchet the intensity of hard rock. Although the twelve string has often been used […].
As a guitar player, you will often come across the 12-string guitar. What sound it produces is one thing that sets it apart from other guitars. With a total of 12 strings, you may be wondering what each note is and how to play them. This article will give you an in-depth look at all […].
What’s the best beginner 3/4 acoustic guitar for a first starter guitar? Read on to find out. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Beginner 3/4 Acoustic Guitar Recommendations2 Our Best 3/4 Acoustic Guitars For Beginners Reviews2.1 Yamaha JR22.2 Fender FA-152.3 Fender MA-1 (Great choice for women)2.4 Tanglewood TW2T2.5 Yamaha JR1 FG Junior2.6 Pyle 36″ Cutaway Acoustic […].
Some guitars are too big and heavy to carry comfortably, making them difficult for kids to play. If you want your child to be able to gain full access and control over their guitar without the inconvenience of having it break apart in their hands, a 3/4-scale acoustic guitar is perfect! There are plenty of […].
When you’re considering buying a guitar, there’s quite a few things to consider. Among the most important are the measurements of the instrument. Sometimes called 3/4 size acoustic guitars, these guitars are often perfect for younger players and those with smaller hands. It’s also worth noting that this type of instrument is often chosen by […].
Are you trying to decide between a full sized acoustic guitar vs a 3/4 sized acoustic? We are going to look at these two guitar sizes and go over some of the main points that determine which one you should consider. After reading this article, you will know what guitar to buy. Contents1 3/4 Sized […].
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned master, you might be trying your best to lower action on your acoustic guitar with no avail. If that’s the case, the problem could either be an improper bridge height, poorly set neck, nut slots not cut deep enough or setup intonation being off. There are a number […].
Acoustic guitars are widely popular. Most of them have a hollow body, which provides the unique sound that defines an acoustic guitar. But how much do they cost? It really depends! The cost for acoustic guitars can range from $50 all the way to thousands of dollars. There is also a wide variety of different […].
Are you trying to decide between acoustic guitar bolt on neck vs dovetail? Maybe you just want to learn more about the similarities and differences? Check this out: The main difference between a bolt on neck and a dovetail neck is how the guitar necks are attached to the body. A bolt on neck is […].
Buying a new guitar? Need to know what size you should buy? If you’ve been struggling with finding the right one, then this is for you! Acoustic guitars are by far the most popular and easiest to find in stores, making it easy for anyone to pick one up and start playing. There are many […].
Are you trying to decide between cedar vs spruce top acoustics? Not sure which would be best for you? You’re not alone in this question. Many different acoustic guitars have tops made of different types of tonewoods. Are you an expert on woods? You will be after reading this! The main difference between cedar and […].
In this Martin Steel String Backpacker Travel Guitar Review, I will be talking about the features, pros and cons of the guitar. I will also talk about my experience with the guitar and how it measures up with others on the market. I have played guitars for most of my life hence my knowledge is […].
Playing guitar is a lot of fun. And when you play with friends or at a party, your guitar tone is an important part of the mood – it helps set the tone for your audience. So it’s worth learning how to get your acoustic guitar sounding great! Contents1 Practice!2 Tune Your Guitar Every Time […].
We’ve all been in the same situation – either we’re listening to a favorite song, or trying to find a new one, but not succeeding because the sound quality is lacking. It’s because of this that people are beginning to wonder what kind of wood their acoustic guitar is made out of and whether or […].
Recently, I was in the market to buy a new acoustic but was unsure what direction to go in. Did I want a dreadnought or a concert sized? I never knew the difference until I researched these types of guitar bodies. I decided that I would share my acoustic guitar style findings here. The main difference between […].
Have you ever gone to your local music store and been overwhelmed by the huge selection of acoustic guitar or acoustic electric guitar strings? Well, you’re not alone. There are many different types of guitar strings on the market and they each have their own unique feature, sound, and feel. After all, an experienced guitar […].
Camping is a great way to spend time with friends and family. Under the stars, alongside a crackling fire, strumming on the strings of an acoustic guitar for a few days can be just what you need to get away from it all. What’s more, with these 20 campfire songs on this list, your solo […].
When understanding and comparing classical vs acoustic guitars, you must look at the different types of sound, styles, and materials. The main difference between classical and acoustic guitars is the sound that each produces. Classical guitars have a specific sound as they are typically played with nylon strings. In contrast, acoustic guitars have steel strings, […].
You want to buy an Ibanez acoustic guitar but you don’t know where and which one to choose? Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Ibanez Acoustic Guitar Recommendations2 Our Top Ibanez Acoustic Guitar Reviews2.1 Ibanez AW54CEOPN Artwood Dreadnought Acoustic/Electric Guitar2.2 Ibanez GA35TCEDVS (Under $300!)2.3 Ibanez PC12MHOPN2.4 Ibanez AC340OPN2.5 Ibanez Artwood Vintage AVD602.6 Ibanez AW540-OPN2.7 Ibanez […].
Are you an acoustic guitarist considering an upgrade to a higher quality guitar? I would highly recommend any of these Taylor acoustic guitar options. Check these exceptional acoustic guitar choices out! Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Taylor Acoustic Guitar Recommendations2 Our Top Taylor Acoustic Guitar Reviews2.1 Taylor GS Mini Guitars2.2 Taylor 310CE Guitars2.3 Taylor […].
Researching and purchasing an acoustic guitar should not be rushed. Once you own high-quality guitars, odds are you will own them for the rest of your life, so take your time. When thinking of the well-known and superior makers of guitars, there is a small but elite group of craftsmen and companies. Two of these makers that […].