Did you get yourself a guitar capo but not really sure what is the right way to tune your guitar – with or without the capo? Can you tune a guitar with a capo on? Yes, technically you can tune a guitar with a capo on. However, it’s not recommended as the only way to […].
Are you a beginner guitarist that is looking to buy a capo but not sure which one is the best beginner capo? We recommend taking a look at our recommendations. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Beginner Capo Recommendations2 Our Top Capos For Beginners Reviews2.1 D’Addario NS Tri-Action Capo2.2 WINGO Guitar Capo for Acoustic and […].
A capo is a device that clamps onto the fretboard of a fretted instrument. It alters the pitch of the strings beyond their natural harmonic range. Some types of capos press down on individual strings, while others are slides that cover a whole fretboard. Guitar Capo Function And Use The main reason why people use […].
If you’re the proud owner of a 12 string acoustic guitar and even more so if you’re a guitarist, then this list is for you! Which capo should you go with? There are so many out there that it can be difficult to pick from them all. That’s why we’ve put together this article on […].
Are you trying to decide between two different capos? The Shubb Capo vs G7th. The main difference between the Shubb Capo and the G7th capo is the design of the clamp. The Shubb is tightened to the guitar neck with a bolt design while the G7th capo uses a spring design. Contents1 About The Shubb […].