Do you have a guitar that you are considering adding a tremolo or whammy bar to? Wondering if your guitar will work with a whammy bar? Can you add a whammy bar to any guitar? Yes, most electric guitars are compatible with a whammy bar. But there are some things that you may need to […].
If you are interested in learning how to adjust saddle height on a guitar’s bridge to improve the action, I would recommend starting by watching one of these videos: Contents1 Adjusting Electric Guitar Saddles2 Adjusting & Lowering Acoustic Guitar Saddles3 What Is The Ideal Saddle Height On A Guitar?4 Adjusting Saddle Height On Guitars With […].
The bridge of an electric guitar is one of the most crucial parts. It supports the string, which is the main part of the guitar, that produces the tone. Every guitarist has his own choice when it comes to bridge design. There are many common types of electric guitar bridges available, but if we think […].
There are a number of functions that are served by the bridge of the acoustic guitar. Not only does it set the placement for the strings by holding the strings in the body, but it also plays a pivotal role in good action, tone and intonation. As such, it is essential to have an understanding […].
Often, guitarists find themselves asking ‘why is my guitar bridge have a buzz at the saddle?’ A “rattle saddle” so to speak! It is quite disturbing when the sound seems out of whack with strings rattling against the frets causing fret buzzes. A well-functioning guitar should produce perfectly tuned guitar chords. Luckily, it is not […].