Have you got some interest in playing the guitar? If so, you might be wondering how to go about it. The first step is to find a reliable tutor who will teach you how to play an acoustic or electric guitar. Once you learn how to play the guitar, the next step is buying one […].
Guitar vs Violin – Which one do you choose? It all depends on the person, but generally, it is a good idea to go with the one that interests you the most. Many people do start with one, and then as time goes on, they decide to switch for several different reasons. Some people say […].
You already received the guitar or other musical instrument for your close friend, sibling, nephew, niece, loved one, or colleague. It’s nicely delivered without scratches and ready for shipping again. But how to ship a guitar directly to the door of a buyer from guitar sales, friend or sibling? Shipping guitars actually isn’t too hard. […].
Whether you are a professional or aspiring guitar player, you know the differences of the sounds if using different string on any type of guitar. This said, placing strings on different guitars would be found a bit tricky, and you would immediately identify even the slightest of difference between the two. Restringing or replacing the […].
Ultimate Guitar Pro incorporates an intelligent player for GP tabs, Official tabs and promotion free understanding. Read along to have a proper idea if you are interested in guitars. Is Ultimate Guitar Pro worth it? Yes, with a free trial, it’s worth giving this program a shot. That way, you can give it a proper […].
Is your anatomy preventing you from playing the guitar and becoming one of the top guitar players? While it’s true that longer hands offer an advantage, length is not the only thing that affects guitar mastery. Skills can be developed no matter the body type as long as you are determined to learn. On the […].
Some guitars are built tough but don’t be misled – they are fragile instruments. Like all things precious, they must be handled with care. Guitars are typically built using wood and some hardware. Any of these components could break, shatter, warp, or get knocked off if mishandled. This is a nightmare for people who wish […].
Young kids have smaller hands and so are unable to reach the neck of a full-size guitar. They cannot even wrap fingers around in order to play. As such, guitar manufacturers create different guitar sizes to prevent the frustration that parents may go thorough finding a perfect guitar for their little ones. Kids guitars are […].
I remember when I got my first guitar amp as a beginner guitar player and saw in the back of the amp that it had something called an effects loop. I had no idea what the heck that was! And there was no internet at that time to be able to look it up! But, […].
Musicians have special needs when they travel. Getting to their destination is only half the battle. The other challenge is how to bring their gear along with them, including their guitars. Unfortunately, the experience is not always smooth or pleasant. Many have shared their horror stories about being rejected at the baggage inspection or seeing […].