Do you have an annoying hum in your amp and you believe that it could be from the power you are sending it? Maybe you need a power conditioner! Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Power Conditioners For Guitar Amps Recommendations2 Our Top Power Conditioner For Guitar Amplifier Reviews2.1 Furman CN-1800S 15A Smart Sequencing Power […].
If you own a guitar amp, chances are high that you may be wondering if you need a power conditioner to go with it. We can help you decide. Do I need a power conditioner for my guitar amp? Yes, you do. Sometimes, it’s necessary for musicians to use a power conditioner with their guitar […].
If you are recording guitar with a microphone, you need to get the placement correct. This is where a good guitar amp mic stand is needed. But which one should you use? Contents1 Quick Links To Our Guitar Amp Mic Stand Recommendations2 Our Top Mic Stand For Guitar Amps Reviews2.1 Our Top Choice – On-Stage […].
Are you a beginner guitarist that is looking to buy a capo but not sure which one is the best beginner capo? We recommend taking a look at our recommendations. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Beginner Capo Recommendations2 Our Top Capos For Beginners Reviews2.1 D’Addario NS Tri-Action Capo2.2 WINGO Guitar Capo for Acoustic and […].
A capo is a device that clamps onto the fretboard of a fretted instrument. It alters the pitch of the strings beyond their natural harmonic range. Some types of capos press down on individual strings, while others are slides that cover a whole fretboard. Guitar Capo Function And Use The main reason why people use […].
If you’re the proud owner of a 12 string acoustic guitar and even more so if you’re a guitarist, then this list is for you! Which capo should you go with? There are so many out there that it can be difficult to pick from them all. That’s why we’ve put together this article on […].
Are you trying to decide between two different capos? The Shubb Capo vs G7th. The main difference between the Shubb Capo and the G7th capo is the design of the clamp. The Shubb is tightened to the guitar neck with a bolt design while the G7th capo uses a spring design. Contents1 About The Shubb […].
Yes, you can use a capo on an electric guitar. They are meant to help you change key from your chords. You can use a capo in any fret you want and they look like this: You can find one for $10-$20 which is a very small price to pay for an investment that will […].
If you’re planning to travel and bring your guitar, I’d recommend picking up a quality guitar flight case and choosing from one of these best guitar case for flying recommendations. Related reading – Can a guitar fit in an overhead bin? – best travel guitars Contents1 Our Top Guitar Cases For Flying Recommendations1.1 Crossrock Anti-Scratch […].
You could probably play the guitar while on the floor but why risk inconvenience and comfort when you can play on the best guitar chair? Don’t just use a lounge chair, an office chair furniture or bar stool! We scoured many shops to find the perfect options for you when playing guitar and here are […].
Guitarists can be a weird bunch. When most people collect musical instruments, they place their guitar hanging behind glass in order to ensure that they will never be harmed. When guitar players collect guitars, they hang them so that they are ready to be played. Out in the open on a guitar wall mount in […].
There’s no doubt that having a good mic to record guitar amp is essential as having a good guitar tone. Are you one of those people who are currently searching for a best mic for guitar amp? With many options available in the market today, it cannot be easy to pick one. Fortunately, we are […].
You have already bought a guitar to record your own song. What’s next? It’s time to purchase the best audio interface for guitar to make things easier. The main advantage of investing in a quality audio interface is that you can produce music with better audio sound quality. But searching for an audio interface is […].
The handle of your guitar case is as important as the case itself. It is essential that it is strong enough and sturdy to hold and protect your instrument. This being said, at all times, it must be checked if in cases that it might be in need of DIY guitar repair or even replacement. […].
You’ve finally managed to land that pretty guitar you’ve been dreaming about. Now there’s just one more headache left to solve — where do you keep it once you’re done playing? A case? Uhm, no. You need to get yourself a guitar stand. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Guitar Stand Recommendations2 Why Do You […].
Electric guitars are usually wired to amplifiers. Once connected on both ends, the signal flows uninterrupted and you can play your music all day long. However, not everyone is pleased about the clutter in the room due to crisscrossing cables. These are not only eyesores, they are also hazards that can cause people to trip […].
So you got a great guitar and a powerful amplifier. Great! Now, the one thing you need to get hold of is the best guitar cable. To connect an electronic guitar to an amp, you certainly need a cable. The type you choose has a huge impact on the tune you want to produce. As […].
Guitar pedalboards are set up to achieve a wide range of effects and sounds in the studio or onstage. Each proper basic large or small pedalboard setup is suited to the individual guitarists taste, and depending on their sound, some use more pedals than others. Because of this, let’s learn how to arrange guitar pedals […].
A guitar which is a wooden instrument – wouldn’t sound the same every time you pick it up and strum. Before you could put the blame for this on your declining guitar playing skills, you should know that the best environment your guitar lives in ascertains how the instrument eventually sounds over a period in […].
Not just guitars, protecting any kind of musical instrument from humidity or extreme temperatures is imperative. When relative humidity is low, wooden musical instruments would experience some level of damage or the other over time. Maintaining optimal humidity levels helps prevent your guitar from cracking, warping, and guitar neck shrinkage. Keep reading to learn more […].
Do you play the guitar and would love to know more about your beloved instrument? If so, then we will be answering a commonly asked question of whether or not guitar cables are shielded. Looking for the best guitar patch cables? Look here. Or how about going wireless – check out this best wireless guitar […].
Are you looking for a new guitar strap but not sure if all are equal? Consider this: Are guitar straps universal? Yes. All guitar straps work with any guitar or bass guitar making them universal. It does not matter if you are playing an acoustic or electric. Every guitar strap should fit any guitar correctly. […].