Category: Buyers Guides

THESE 8 Best Compressor Pedals For Electric Guitar Rock!

Need a good compressor for your rig?  Take a look at these best compressor pedal for electric guitar options. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Pedal Compressors For Electric Guitar2 Our Best Electric Guitar Pedal Compressor Reviews2.1 Our Top Choice – Keeley Compressor Plus2.2 Boutique – Keeley Aria Compressor Overdrive2.3 Compressor / Limiter – Electro-Harmonix […].

THESE 7 Best Humbucker Pickups For Blues Guitarists Are NICE!

When you are looking for a hot blues guitar tone, humbucker pickups can make a huge difference! Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Humbucker Pickup Sets For Blues Recommendations2 Our Top Blues Humbucker Pickups Reviews2.1 Seymour Duncan Vintage Blues Humbucker Pickup Set2.2 Seymour Duncan SH-1 ’59 Vintage2.3 Gibson Burstbucker2.4 Seymour Duncan SHPG1 Pearly Gates Humbucker2.5 […].