As any established instrumentalist will tell you, the use of a tuner for your guitar is critical if you want to create seamless music. Regardless of whether you’re a starter or a pro, there are only so many factors you can control. As with all other stringed instruments, an acoustic guitar is prone to go […].
Every guitarist wants to spend more time playing than tuning their ax, but hey — it takes broken eggs to make omelette. You’ve got to spend a while every now and then tuning your stringed instruments, best ensuring every string sings as it was designed to. And that brings the need to invest in a […].
It’s the guitarist’s equivalent of doing dishes; keeping your guitar in tune. It’s not fun, and most of the times you’d rather dive into playing straight away than waste precious minutes trying to achieve perfect tune. But then again, you want your guitar to sound like er, well, an actual guitar. You know, rather than […].
There are a number of different ways in which a guitar can be tuned. It can be done by ear (this is typically viewed as the old fashioned way), it can be done by way of an electric guitar tuner or a guitar tuning app can be used to get it done. Is your guitar […].
In musical circles, there are certain unspoken rules, one of which being that trying to play without a being in tune is like trying pull the sun from the sky and put it in your pocket –insanely IMPOSSIBLE! This is when you need the best guitar tuner. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Top Guitar Tuner […].
Traditional tuners could help your guitar maintain its tune; however, their capabilities are kind of limited. Routine wear and tear could cause your guitar to fall out of tune. And then there are fluctuating weather conditions to deal with too. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Best Locking Tuners Choices1.1 Inline:1.2 3+3:2 Our Inline Locking Tuners […].
If there is one thing every guitarist would love to gain control over their instrument is tuning stability. Stability helps you stay in tune no matter how hard you hit the strings. Having a stable guitar also saves you the agony of tuning wires every now and then. Unfortunately, there are many elements in a […].
Some instruments stay in tune for a long time. However, a guitar will generally need to be tuned on a more frequent basis. If you have ever wondered why do guitars go out of tune, there are many answers to that one question. Contents1 Why Do Guitars Go Out Of Tune?2 How Long Should a […].