Looking for a good 2×12 guitar speaker cabinet for your amp head but don’t want it to be too heavy? There’s no getting around it, they all are quite heavy but here are some excellent suggestions. Contents1 Quick Links To Our Top Lightweight 2×12 Guitar Cabinet Recommendations2 Our Lightweight 2×12 Guitar Cab Reviews2.1 Hughes & […].
The 1×12 guitar speaker cabinet is a staple of the musician. If you’re looking to rock out in your living room, these are a perfect choice. They can be configured for different sound variations with amps and effects pedals or by adding an extension speaker cabinet. A lot of people think that they’re one of […].
This article is about the different empty guitar speaker cabinet 1×12 options for you to choose from. This can be a great idea if you are interested in building your own electric guitar rig! Electric Guitar 1×12 Empty 12 Speaker Cabinet Here are some excellent options: VHT AV-AL-112E Open-Back 112 Empty Speaker Cabinet This open […].
If you’ve been searching for how to make a guitar speaker cabinet, you should check out the instructions below. This is the type of project that can be time-consuming and require great care, so it’s important to have all of the tools necessary at hand. If you do not yet have these items, I recommend […].
Need a guitar cab to match with your head? Check these out: Contents1 Quick Links To Our Guitar Cab Recommendations2 Our Top Guitar Cabinet Reviews2.1 1. PRS Paul Reed Smith MT112 Mark Tremonti 1×12” Open Back Speaker Cabinet2.2 2. Marshall Amplifier Speaker – MG412BG2.3 3. Orange Amps Guitar Amplifier Cabinet – PPC112C2.4 4. Fender Super […].
Strings, pickups, pedals, cables… There’re lots of things you can change in the quest to nail that magical tone you and your guitars so badly want. But it’s your loudspeakers that have the biggest influence on your sound and riff — this is where the rubber hits the road, after all. Therefore, a speaker upgrade […].