If you are considering getting into playing 8 string guitar, there are a few things you should know. First, you will need to know how to read music and tab. Second, you’ll need to study some different techniques with your 8 string guitar. And third, you will want to make sure that there are some […].
Many aspiring guitarists keep asking, “Can you learn guitar with Yousician?” Allow us to give you a suitable answer to this question as you plan to take your music goals up a higher notch through online guitar lessons instead of private lessons. Yes. Yousician is very helpful but you must consider a few things. How […].
How hard is it to learn guitar? While the question is obviously a subjective one, all the same let’s begin with a short and sweet answer to this: Learning guitar is hard and it is fun – including basic beginner guitar chords, barre chords, changing between chords, single notes, skipping strings, learning favorite guitar songs […].
Considering where to take guitar lessons (local in person music store vs online lessons)? It depends on several considerations. First of all, are you better off learning face to face or online? Second, consider your budget and how much you are willing to spend on lessons. Third, consider how close you are to music instructors. […].
Can a 4 year old child learn guitar is a question that continues to be asked by many parents. According to professional guitar players and enthusiasts, the answer is an absolute yes. In fact, some of the best guitar enthusiasts in the world started practicing at young ages. From children and teens to adults and […].
Thinking about learning guitar and becoming a guitar player? A competent tutor is vital to every successful guitar lesson. It makes a lot of sense to have a suitable person to properly instruct you as to how to do things on a guitar, which you could easily get incorrect without expert guidance. Experts have stated […].