Category: Guitar Strings

5 Best Strings For 8 String Guitar

Do you have an eight string guitar that is ready to be restrung? Not sure which 8 string guitar set to choose? Check these out. Contents1 Quick Links To Our 8 String Guitar String Sets Recommendations2 Our 8 String Electric Guitar Strings Reviews2.1 D’Addario NYXL09802.2 Ernie Ball 8-String Skinny Top Heavy Bottom2.3 GHS GBXL-82.4 Ernie […].

Can You Use Hand Sanitizer To Clean Guitar Strings?

Are your guitar strings dirty and are you looking for the right thing to clean them?  Maybe you want to try hand sanitizer? Can you use hand sanitizer to clean guitar strings? No. Hand sanitizer is not the best thing you can use for cleaning your guitar strings. Hand sanitizer is usually around 60{0794a961920d97099aea99cac5a861228867c4461e5cf936a4873e99fb4a0da6} alcohol, […].

LOOK: What Is The Best Brand Of Acoustic Guitar Strings?

These are the most popular and best brand of acoustic guitar strings on the market.  From bluegrass to rock, from strumming to fingerpicking, there’s something for everyone. Contents1 6 Best String Brands For Acoustic Guitars1.1 D’Addario1.2 Martin1.3 Dean Markley1.4 Fender1.5 Ernie Ball1.6 Elixir2 Acoustic Guitar String Brands Conclusion 6 Best String Brands For Acoustic Guitars […].

COMPARED: Nanoweb vs Polyweb Guitar Strings

Are you trying to choose between Nanoweb and Polyweb strings? The main difference between Nanoweb vs Polyweb strings is their tone. Nanoweb strings have an all the more full range progressively brilliant and projective tone, while Polyweb strings have a more grounded characteristic warm tone. Is there any difference between Nanoweb and Polyweb guitar strings? […].