Do you have an eight string guitar that is ready to be restrung? Not sure which 8 string guitar set to choose? Check these out. Contents1 Quick Links To Our 8 String Guitar String Sets Recommendations2 Our 8 String Electric Guitar Strings Reviews2.1 D’Addario NYXL09802.2 Ernie Ball 8-String Skinny Top Heavy Bottom2.3 GHS GBXL-82.4 Ernie […].
You have probably noticed while restringing our guitar that the strings are very long for what you need. Ever wondered why? Why are guitar strings so long? Guitar strings are long in order to accommodate different scale lengths, headstock configurations, and different bridge styles. It is very easy to trim your strings after installing them. […].
Are you tuning up your guitar and thinking that you have over tightened the strings? Or are you worried that you may over tighten them and what the consequences would be? Can you over tighten guitar strings? Yes, you can over tighten guitar strings. If the tension is too high the string will break. This […].
Are you shopping for new guitar strings but not sure if you should splurge on the more expensive sets out there? Are expensive guitar strings worth it? It depends. Few things can make your guitar sound better than new strings, but they come with a price tag. There are factors to consider when deciding if […].
Are your guitar strings dirty and are you looking for the right thing to clean them? Maybe you want to try hand sanitizer? Can you use hand sanitizer to clean guitar strings? No. Hand sanitizer is not the best thing you can use for cleaning your guitar strings. Hand sanitizer is usually around 60{0794a961920d97099aea99cac5a861228867c4461e5cf936a4873e99fb4a0da6} alcohol, […].
Do you find that your guitar seems to go sharp after a short period of time? Want to know why? Why do guitar strings go sharp? Guitar strings go sharp due to environmental conditions. When it cools down, guitar strings tend to get sharper, while when it warms up they get flatter. Similar changes can […].
These are the most popular and best brand of acoustic guitar strings on the market. From bluegrass to rock, from strumming to fingerpicking, there’s something for everyone. Contents1 6 Best String Brands For Acoustic Guitars1.1 D’Addario1.2 Martin1.3 Dean Markley1.4 Fender1.5 Ernie Ball1.6 Elixir2 Acoustic Guitar String Brands Conclusion 6 Best String Brands For Acoustic Guitars […].
Guitar strings are a vital part of your instrument, and it is important to know what kind you’re using. There are different materials, brands, and gauges of strings that can make a big difference in the sound and feel of your guitar. The best strings for 3/4 acoustic guitars will depend on your personal preferences. […].
It’s happened to us all: you’re jamming on your guitar when all of a sudden, one of the strings snaps. The nightmare scenario! Thankfully, this is a problem that’s easily solved, and you don’t need to be an expert musician to do it. Take a look at our article on how to fix guitar strings […].
It’s not uncommon for a guitar player to have a few sets of acoustic guitar strings from their favorite set. And while you might think that changing the strings is as easy as replacing them with new ones, there are actually many ways a guitar can sound different if not tuned correctly. In this article, […].
Have you ever gone to your local music store and been overwhelmed by the huge selection of acoustic guitar or acoustic electric guitar strings? Well, you’re not alone. There are many different types of guitar strings on the market and they each have their own unique feature, sound, and feel. After all, an experienced guitar […].
When you play metal guitar, one important thing you need is the right strings. You need the best guitar strings for metal music so you can rock out with the best. Finding the best guitar strings for metal guitar music is a little tricky, but hopefully this article will help point you in the right […].
Have you done some research on the guitar strings gauges that best match your needs? How was the experience? Is it overwhelming, right? The main difference between light and medium guitar strings is the gauges. Medium strings are slightly thicker than light strings. This means that the sound and tone of the medium string is […].
Are you trying to choose between Nanoweb and Polyweb strings? The main difference between Nanoweb vs Polyweb strings is their tone. Nanoweb strings have an all the more full range progressively brilliant and projective tone, while Polyweb strings have a more grounded characteristic warm tone. Is there any difference between Nanoweb and Polyweb guitar strings? […].
If you are just at the very beginning stages of learning how to play guitar, one of the first things that you will learn – either from a guitar teacher through lessons or just on your own – are the names of each of the electric and acoustic guitar strings. Knowing the guitar strings names […].